Editorial Guidelines

Looking to write for us? We'd love to hear & amplify your voice.


Recently we have really simplified our guest author submission process. Simply read the guidelines, write your article, and email it to Nick@InsNerds.com. It’s that simple!

1. You have a voice. Use it!

We all learned how to write in college.  We know how to tone down our voice and sound businesslike. Sometimes, that professional bland voice sounds just that…..bland. We ask that you keep it professional, but punch it up a bit! If you drop the word “wicked” or think “ain’t” is too colloquial, don’t! We prefer writing that shows the author’s personality, and our readers do too!

2. Have an opinion.

Can you explain something in a simple, easy-to-digest manner? Great! Now, go one step further and tell us how you feel about it and why. Our audience is made up of insurance professionals who are committed to their individual development. There’s a good chance some of them (if not all) already understand the concept you’re explaining, and if they don’t, there are plenty of resources for them to get a basic grasp (The Institutes, IRMI, or ISO).  They come to us for a fresh take.  So, be sure to include your own analysis and thoughts on your topic.

3. Write what you know!

Yes, it’s a cliche.  Yes, it’s still a good rule.  Your writing will be stronger when we can tell you’ve got meaningful experience behind your opinions.

4. Original content is STRONGLY preferred.

We might consider a republish if you can make a good case for it, but it’s a stretch.  An example of a good case would be that you published it solely on your LinkedIn or personal blog, and you would like to reach a wider audience.

5. No Ad Copy!

If you want to sell something on our site, let’s talk about sponsorship opportunities or other options. We are not opposed to it, as a rule, but we do want to make sure it’s a good fit for our readers and you.

6. We use the Oxford comma.

Non-negotiable.  Have a voice. Respect the rules of grammar.

7. Our sweet spot is 1,200 to 1,800 words.

We’ve found that articles in this range are more well-received and clearly written.  We will consider shorter submissions, but we may ask you to expand if we see weak spots. Google likes longer, meatier articles and we don’t have the lack of space dead trees publications have to deal with.

8. Authors should be a part of the Insurance Ecosystem.

We prefer articles from those with insurance experience.  We aim to be a platform for those who are risk management professionals.  We will review your LinkedIn prior to agreeing to publish the article.

9. Images are great...

Our blog posts all have landscape oriented featured images, and we find that breaking the post body up with images leads to better reader engagement. We recommend using Pexels or Unsplash for free stock images if you need one. 

10. Once it’s drafted...

Email the drive link or send your draft to Nick@InsNerds.com