Ah, Thanksgiving.
It’s the one day a year where it’s socially acceptable to wear stretchy pants, eat three times your body weight, and then pass out on the couch while pretending to watch football. We’ve all been there. You pile your plate high with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and maybe a questionable green bean casserole. Then, after round two (or three), you’re hit with that overwhelming wave of sleepiness. But why? Is it the turkey? The carbs? The sheer emotional exhaustion of dodging Aunt Susan’s awkward family questions?
Is Tryptophan Really the Culprit?
Okay, so you’ve probably heard the old wives’ tale: “It’s the tryptophan in the turkey! That’s why you’re so tired!” And yes, turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid your body uses as a precursor for melatonin—the hormone that helps regulate sleep.
BUT (and this is a big but), turkey doesn’t actually have more tryptophan than other meats like chicken or beef. So blaming your post-dinner nap entirely on the turkey? That’s not it!
The real reason you’re ready to snooze after Thanksgiving dinner is probably a combination of factors: overeating, drinking alcohol, and consuming carb-heavy foods that mess with your blood sugar levels and force your body to divert blood from the brain to the intestines to process all that food. (Basically, you’ve sent your body into overdrive trying to digest all that food, and it’s like, “You know what? Let’s just shut this whole operation down for a bit.”)
Does Gorging Yourself = Better Sleep?
Spoiler alert: No.
Eating until you feel like you need to be rolled out of the dining room isn’t doing your sleep any favors. In fact, overeating can actually disrupt your sleep. When you eat a massive meal, your body has to work overtime to digest it all, which can make you feel uncomfortable and restless when you finally hit the pillow.
Plus, if you’re indulging in rich, fatty foods (hello, gravy and pie), those can take even longer to digest. And let’s not forget the sugar crash from all those desserts—pumpkin pie, pecan pie, apple pie… okay, now I’m just making myself hungry.
How to Enjoy Thanksgiving Without Feeling Like a Stuffed Turkey
Look, I’m not here to ruin your holiday. Thanksgiving is about enjoying good food and good company (and maybe avoiding a political debate or two). But if you want to avoid feeling like you need a nap before dessert is even served, here are some tips:
- Drink a lot of water BEFORE you begin eating! – Making yourself full with non-caloric water will physically force you to eat less (with the tradeoff of more trips to the bathroom…but your kidneys and liver will thank you 😌)
- Exercise/Workout before you eat! Tired muscles want sugar and proteins (a convenient place to put the extra food you may consume). Since you have the day off, how about a strenuous session of yoga, resistance exercise, long walk(s), a long run, or something else to make you feel like you earned this meal?
- Take It Slow! – Thanksgiving dinner isn’t a race. Savor each bite and give your body time to realize it’s full before diving back in for more.
- Don’t Forget the Veggies! – Balance out the heavy stuff with some greens, salads, or roasted veggies. They are healthier and full of fiber, which swells in your gut, making you feel fuller.
- Portion Control Is Your Friend! – know it’s hard when everything looks delicious, but try starting with smaller portions. You can always go back for seconds (or thirds) if you’re still hungry.
- Prioritize Your Favorites! – Do you love stuffing but could take or leave the cranberry sauce? Skip the stuff you’re meh about and save room for the dishes you really enjoy.
- Stay Hydrated (and keep staying hydrated) – Drinking water can help with digestion and keep you from overindulging in booze or sugary drinks. It also occupies space and will be absorbed by your fibrous greens (see #4 above), making you feel fuller.
- BONUS TIP – Go for a post meal walk. The activity will aid with digestion and help lower your blood sugar (less opportunity for that crash and sleepy feeling.) Just 10-15 minutes of walking (or other light activity) can make you feel light-years better.
Embrace the Nap (If You Want To)
At the end of the day, if you want to curl up on the couch and snooze after dinner, go for it! It’s Thanksgiving—you’ve earned it. Just don’t blame the turkey entirely for your food coma. It’s more like a team effort between the turkey, the mashed potatoes, the pie, and maybe that second glass of wine.
So go forth, enjoy your feast, and remember: stretchy pants are not just a fashion statement—they’re a lifestyle choice. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃