21 min read

The Attachment Point: Slackchat #2

The Attachment Point: Slackchat #2

The Attachment Point: Slackchat #2

Nick Lamparelli: Welcome to the Attachment Point, The Insurance Nerds weekly SlackChat.

Nick Lamparelli: In this week’s version of The Attachment Point, we are continuing a conversation that occurred in the <#general> chat area of the Insurance Nerds Slack Channel. A really good conversation arose regarding the difficulty of insurance agencies to retain employees. That morphed into some really great conversation that I’d like to discuss now with a smaller panel.

Nick Lamparelli: Hello <@channel>

Nick Lamparelli: I’d like to start with Garrett White, President of Blue Lime Insurance Group. As president of an agency, how concerned are you about the talent pool you need to hire from?

Nick Lamparelli: and by talent pool, I mean size and quality?

Garrett White: It’s actually quite concerning, as we all have been told, there is over 400000 jobs that will be available in this space by 2020. So what that means for employers like myself, is that the amount of tenured folks is really going to be cut drastically. Personally, this matters more on our service front, because our account managers and claims people are the unsung hero’s behind the scene. Without these efficient and knowledgeable folks, our value as a provider erodes. Secondly, on a sales front there is a larger concern because the industry itself has done pretty much the worst job ever training sales people regardless of title. I would say greed is a factor, as owners and managers want an ROI on their investment, but this mindset is double edged, setting these folks up for failure. With that in mind, think in the lens of a millennial coming into this market, that does not have years of social skills from playing games outside in their neighborhoods while growing up, but years of social networking and at their fingertip access. They are challenged in understanding that this game is not at their fingertips and items cannot be done at a click. Their needs to be a transfer of value and that concept is foreign. So add that all up and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

Nick Lamparelli: And this is what I have been hearing from a lot of agency related folks. So this doesn’t surprise me. In almost all of the agencies I worked at, there was always at least one-to-two senior people who had seen it all and could help resolve issues. I am willing to bet those people have already retired, which means if the agencies didn’t have long-tenured retained staff in place, that talent is gone forever and the agencies would need to poach talent from other agencies in recoup that loss.

Nick Lamparelli: But I am also hearing that retention rates are falling. So it seems like the problem is actually worse than it sounds? Would that be hyperbole on my part Garrett White?

Garrett White: Totally agree, poaching occurs and can be challenging for agencies to adapt. Honestly retention issues happen for a variety of reasons but my top three that I see 1) Small agencies cannot compete with available compensation programs of large/national brokers, 2) Agencies do not create culture in a meaningful way for their employees, the vision is often outdated and really developed to benefit the owner, and rarely are developed around “developing” people and awesome things in the market, 3) Agencies do a horrific job of training, and not systems training, but training that can be portable to other careers, agencies, etc. Only out of the fear of losing their trained employees.

Nick Lamparelli: Thanks Garrett White you brought up some great points. I think we should try to tackle those as I think they get to the crux of the issue.

Derek Lynch: Nick Lamparelli If I can throw in a millennia’s perspective on that question. I think that one of the causes that has contributed and is getting worse over time is the same issue that we face with perpetuation , and with the industry as a whole. That is the aging demographic. Many agency owners are finding it hard to get and retain good talent because they are entering a coast to retirement. Many agency principles are nearing retirement age or are well past in some cases. They view the business almost as a retirement plan more than a business , but are not ready to sell. If they can maintain their agencies book they are happy. For the most part that is not what the younger generation wants to be a part of, they want to grow and make a difference. This is even more true of the top talent. Don’t get me wrong, if that is what the owners want it is their business, but they will not be getting top young talent. This leaves the owners taking more out of their pocket to buy seasoned staff from each other.

Derek Lynch: Also a big lack of good onboarding, training, processes and mentorship certainly do not help the attrition rate!

Nick Lamparelli: Derek Lynch In my experience working my way up through the agency system, I just can’t imagine the majority of millennials would find the agency environment stimulating at all. Honestly, I didn’t and I was always looking for a better opportunity and greener pastures.

Nick Lamparelli: It seems like such a monumental problem that I’d like to find the top 1 or 2 things we in the insurance ecosystem can try to fix this.

Nick Lamparelli: So let me throw this out to the entire <!channel>, might part of this problem go away if bigger agencies buy out these “coast to retirement” agencies? Or does that just create another set of problems?

Garrett White: I’m not sure that solves the problem, but ultimately that will occur naturally and we will see more agencies go under, as carriers redefine their distribution strategies to d2c models.

Nick Lamparelli: But Garrett White, the problem as described seems like an existential moment. If agencies cannot get quality young personnel in and get them to stay, then how do they survive?

Howard Candage: Nick Lamparelli Nick, I believe the smaller agents are already selling out unnecessarily to the larger agencies. I am adamantly against “scaling” (growing larger to advance economies to scale) and technology is accelerating that process. What the current trend is ignoring is the view from the micro level (the customer level) that scaling moves the management so far away from the customer that the customer level suffers. No millennial is going to go into a culture that strips them of any personal achievement, continues to motivate with unrealistic promises (you will have ownership here someday) and a system of taxation that encourages the sale of small agencies so government can reap the tax rewards for selling to a third party who is a “non interested third party”. The insurers really have to see that insurance distribution and risk management is different from risk bearing. There is no respect for the abundant advice of a skilled agent from Insurers, largely due to the apathy of many agents and their inflated egos from their financial standpoint. This apathy and poor performance led to the thinning of the income stream of a marginally compensated agency to the point most smaller and mid sized agencies cannot create a career track and will not train and invest in talent, at the expense of the owner. As near as I can delineate (and I am not the brightest bulb in the pack) an agency should be retaining earnings of about 25% of revenue until they reach a certain size (say $ 10,000,000 tp $ 15,000,000 in revenue). After that the dynamics of the numbers begin to change. Many of these “smaller” agencies are operating as the personal piggy banks of the owners ( I think they confuse owner compensation with EBITDA and pocket it all without consequence except to the long term detriment of the agency and the employees. Third, insurers and agents have to separate the value of advice to the client from risk bearing. We need to have more clearly drawn lines between the two and learn to respect each other. The goals of a risk bearer and the goals of distribution are many times diametrically opposed to one another. This conflict cries our for a neutral third party to intervene, particularly post trigger event. This is the role an effective agent should be playing both Pre loss and Post loss. I will not continue my rant…do others agree of disagree. The problem lies in A. Ego, B. Greed C. Lack of responsible practices and D. Apathy on all sides, including the employees and prospects for employment. We need to put some pizazz into our business and bring on some winners and reward them,

Nick Lamparelli: Preach on Howard Candage! I hear this over and over again. My limited experience (I’ve been out of the agency side of things for over 10 years) matches what all of you have described so far.

Nick Lamparelli: And yet, I have a nephew graduating college this spring and when I bring up insurance agencies, he doesn;t seem interested in the least. So my only recourse to advise him would be the larger brokerages.

Nick Lamparelli: and I am worried about offering that advice too.

Howard Candage: Thank you Nick Lamparelli.

Howard Candage: Nick Lamparelli Agents and insurers have to redefine both of our business models.

Howard Candage: As far as advising larger houses, that is all about personal motivation and self discipline. Managing risk is not rocket surgery. You must have a genuine interest and inherent motivation (or create inherent motivation) for things to work successfully. That being said, you must get promises legally enumerated and be willing to hold management accountable. Easier said than done but it is a two way street. If your Nephew takes the plunge, he has to make his own successes and take responsibility for his own rewards.

Nick Lamparelli: Howard Candage, that’s very true, but he will also have a lot of other options in more “desirable” fields. My concern is that the agency system is hiring people who have exhausted other options. They should be trying to attract high-quality candidates who can bring value to the organization.

Howard Candage: Nick Lamparelli Very true, but to make this a desirable industry we need to stop siloing the functional components and deal with all of them separately. Why would he desire employment in an industry that takes the good work he has done and post loss barely fulfill the promises he made and persecuted him post loss as a “stupid” agent?

Derek Lynch: Agencies are all a bit different and I really think that experiences depend on what agency you are at. I think that most millennials are going to enjoy working at a personal lines captive much less than working at a little larger indy agency doing work on commercial accounts. A lot of that is going to be the chance to have a little more freedom and creativity. Indys have a lot more freedom in how they run their business and commercial lines offers a lot more variety and more chances to add value as a true risk manager. I have heard of many young agents leaving because they had a repetitive cold calling job for a captive and leave from indys because they were just told to go sell with no real training or mentorship. The type of agency and management can make all the difference.

Derek Lynch: I agree that there have been many smaller and mid size agencies bought up in the recent past. I am also not sure that this is going to solve the problem. It seems that I hear of two types of large agencies doing most of the buying. 1. Agencies that want to buy their growth: They buy up agencies and cut down any possible costs, push agents and look for a boost to the bottom line. This tends to lose good people and many good customers are lost. I believe this is what Howard Candage was referring to. These tend to have poor organic growth. 2. Agencies that that have a dynamic growth strategy and use purchases to expand their foot print and capabilities. These can be demanding, but great places to work for those that are talented and motivated. I think the solution is agency owner’s seeing their business as a legacy and a business and not as an annuity. How that happens is a good question. A good set of young agents could help spur things on. They could provide a preferred perpetuation plan and excite the owners about growing their agency That puts us into a big of a chicken or the egg situation. Education and recruitment might be the best solution we have to get things moving in the right direction.

Garrett White: I totally agree with Howard Candage and Derek Lynch. Ultimately the models on both sides of the house will change and will change rapidly. The unfortunate outcome is that we have no idea what this change will look like.

Howard Candage: Derek Lynch I agree with both of your points, and appreciate your insightful comments. Thank you! Unfortunately, I seem to see very few of these dynamic organizations. In order to create a better climate for recruitment, education is right on point, and I think we need better quality, broader focused (not just insurance coverage education) education. In order to sustain engagement of Millennials I also Nick Lamparelli believe we need to enlighten principals to reinvest in their agency and regard to legacy and business continuation. During the 2008 Wall Street mess there was a saying, oft repeated among employees, IBGYBG. I’ll be gone you’ll be gone. It seems to me there is this short term focus on the one at the expense of the many. There needs to be an equalizer to balance the needs of the one with the needs of the many. We need to take a longer view and develop a broader definition of “success”. We need to realize that the many can accomplish goals for the one that the one cannot accomplish alone. We need to also remember that the one can accomplish goals for the many that the many cannot accomplish for themselves. Garrett White Derek Lynch

Derek Lynch: InVest, career fairs, college programs, interships and scholarships . Bring them on! Didn’t Tony and Carly write about CPAs coming out of the same situation? It can be done.

Nick Lamparelli: Derek Lynch I will look into that and share it as we meander through this chat.

Derek Lynch: It was in insuring tomorrow along with teachers in England I think.

Derek Lynch: Also add in bringing pride back to the industry word of mouth is the best advertising. Shout it proud don’t be ashamed! We save people’s businesses, livelyhoods, and as I have been told more than once marriages. Financial preasures can be tough on relationships

Nick Lamparelli: Derek Lynch those are GREAT ideas above! I’ve never seen an agency do any of that. There’s got to be so many community colleges and other colleges that they can reach out to. I hired 3 University of New Hampshire students as interns. They are great. I can really see them excelling in insurance if they choose and I feel like it’s my obligation to teach them and nurture them through their career decisions…EVEN IF…they choose to go in a different direction.

Derek Lynch: You want the people that may go somewhere else if they have to stay with you they are probably not that great. Hopefully you are worth staying with.

Derek Lynch: Several agencies we’re at the RISC trends conference at VCU recently. I was just at a local highschool career fair a couple weeks ago. Out state association has a scholarship program. Invest is active in many local schools. There are internship possibilities as well. That is how I started at my agency. Some people are trying to make moves on this. We just need more to join in.

Howard Candage: Derek Lynch Nick Lamparelli Garrett White all of these items Derek Lynch are excellent. I agree forthwith. I feel we also need the management problem. That will take us into idyllic thoughts we cannot solve readily on our own. I do think there are things we can do in management to stop managing agencies and begin to manage agencies with positive power. <!channel> We need to also help create more effective positive leadership. A major paradigm shift.

Nick Lamparelli: Garrett White Our podcast recording will be out before this transcript goes live, but in that podcast we discussed initiatives like the ones Derek Lynch described being done by the IIASA (Independent Insurance Agents of San Antonio). Specifically, outreach into high schools. Can you talk about what you have seen with that program?

Derek Lynch: Howard Candage I don’t think we will solve the management issue here, but I think that the big components are risk vs reward, and complacency. Risk reward: I have a good thing going. Why change it and hope for growth when I can ride this into the sunset? Complacency: We have always done things this way. It has worked for 30 years and it should work for 30 more. Recruiting top people to the industry is a start. Getting mentoring in place is the next step. Seasoned learning from the millennials and millennials learning from the boomers.

Howard Candage: Derek Lynch I agree on both motivators. It is not insurmountable. Apathy is the lowest form of human existence. Fear is next. You first must focus on those. Complacency and fear.

Howard Candage: We do not necessarily <!channel> have to solve the issues, we need to encourage a discourse and a sharing of ideas.

Howard Candage: <!channel>. Step one. We need to create a better, realistic, sustainable value proposition to attract new entrants to our industry.

Garrett White: Nick Lamparelli <!channel> we know building the bridge into the industry is key, as council chair for our education committee, our mission was to find ways we could build this bridge. We have built an internship program that any member agency can use, and is managed completely by the association and interfaces with the major universities in town. We are also working on launching a program with the National Alliance, where we have a program at High Schools in which the participants obtain a CISR designation and license. The school will also get state funds for this program.

Howard Candage: <!channel> Garrett White I applaud your efforts and they are good grassroots moves. I worry, however, that the attachments we are relying on may not able to overcome the attitudes outlined earlier in these threads.

rdeeds: I think the be proud of being in insurance is a key. I believe because insurers and the industry as a whole relies on fear to drive purchasing insurance millinieals who are hopeful and community driven largely ignore the industry as it has certain nefarious overtones

rdeeds: I also think that specific to independent agencies that are smaller everyone here has echoed my thoughts. I work in an agency with our staff in the am role everyday and see there frustrations and how challenging it can be for new folks 4-5 years in. When agency’s need employees with 20 years of experience but those employees crush the souls of newer faces it’s a challenge. This is a constant topic in our management team and the one we probably struggle with the most trying to find the right mix of new and tried and true employees.

rdeeds: As said here owner mentality will be the deciding factor. For those that choose to reinvest more aggressively I see a brighter future but it’s difficult when producers are attracted by the allure of heavy distribution.

Howard Candage: Ryan Deeds Ryan…you hit a hot button with me! I think it is terrible we sell by fear. It is a major weakness. It needs to be addressed immediately. Make risk management a profession. But if we do this we might have to create some :astonished:

Howard Candage: I realized a long time ago, our fear of escalating and training talent has everything to do with money! In Maine, Adjusters have no CE requirement. I thought that odd but then realized insurers would have to pay for the licensing and education. Find th3 fear and follow the money, you will usually find yourself turning over the same rock!

Derek Lynch: <!channel> great points Garrett White you are my new hero with that education plan. That is a great way to get interest and awareness. With the already mentioned fear of training and cost anything that raises the base level of people coming in is wonderful. People talk about filling the sales pipeline what about the talent pipeline? This is part of the answer. Making internships easy is so key. From RIM students I have talked to internships have been key. It has let them find what job in the industry fits them and to make stong connections. I have a suggestion on one peice of the training puzzle. Technonlgy will never replace in person traning, but it can supplement, lower cost and ease the load on personnel. 1. A well laid out training plan for each new position is key. Everyone will grow in their own way ,but let’s make sure to give them a good base and cover the importnant stuff. I have heard that most agencies just teach whatever they feel like at the time if they do any training. 2. Make sure that the plan is in writing with someone in charge. Someone should be accountable. 3. Have a reference manual accompany the plan. Giving a source that an employee can look to and check as often as they want is helpful for reenforcement, confidence, and alows them to look at things they might not want to ask again. 4.video. learning a management system, applications, company systems, and more can be time consuming and overwhelming. Video traning and screen capture videos can be a great way to learn the basics and provide the option to rewatch. 5. Provide a mentor and a work buddy. Someone to really learn from and someone to be comfortable asking questions too With a good mix of human training ( including shadowing for sales) and maybe even a couple outside programs (there are many new producer programs out there and plenty that are cheap) we are on the way. For my early days the president of the agency had me come in everyday at 6AM and sit with them untill we opened. ( I don’t think that time investment is the standed) There are my thoughts anyway. A process that is well thought out, real relevant knowledge down on paper/computer/video, and some of the human element. Measure twice and cut once. Invest more time upfront and don’t have someone do the same basic easy part of traning over and over if you can record it and be available for questions.

Derek Lynch: Also, the morning confident you are in your training and process the more you can look for real talent and good fit in employees instead of looking for someone that is just already trained.

Derek Lynch: Sorry for the monolog, this is a bit therapeutic for frustrations with industry education. On that note one last thing for this rant. Onboarding IS part of the training process. If you are all set up and welcomed when you arrive you will be way more inclined to learn, stay , and contribute. Lets set the tone from the beginning.

Nick Lamparelli: Derek Lynch that is so important. There was only one job I had ever had, where the company was truly ready for me. I had one job, where they were so unprepared, I had no desk, no computer, no tour and my boss was out of the office and called to check in. I had to bring a laptop in and use that for TWO weeks before they got me a TEMP laptop. A month later I got a refurbished laptop and a year later, a new laptop. I was a month into that job regretting my decision.

Nick Lamparelli: You all have brought some considerable points to the table. I was going to go into producers, but I think that should be a separate SlackChat as I think it would be as long, if not longer than this great conversation. The one take away I took from this is about effort. We…all…have to put the effort in. Effort to reach out, effort to coach, effort to sympathize.

Nick Lamparelli: <!channel> You all are associated and invested with the agency system in one form or another. I still think the agency system, while looking different from today, will be remain to be a viable distribution option for the market.

: A final question for you all before we end this SlackChat conversation, look into your crystal ball and describe the ideal agency in 2025.

Derek Lynch: I personally think that a successful agency will be one that gets to focus on the key core values that we have always provided. Relationship, education, and true risk managment. I think that we will get there through technology and better processes. This change will take a while, but we should be on our way by 2025. Hopefully we will have efficient self service access as that becomes more popular ( car changes, certificates payments), chat bots to answer simple questions, and electronic signatures amog other enhancements. I believe that there will be fewer agencies than there are now, but the best and forward thinking ones will be here and be better. By taking away the mundane we can focus on the exceptional part of what we do. Adding a vehicle is necessary, but as long as it occurs there is not much value to add there. By knowing a family or a comapny better we can provide better service and advise where it matters. No one does that better than an agent, but today we are far too bogged down by transactional work. He’s to a long run to come for the agnecy system. Cheers.

Nick Lamparelli: Thanks Derek Lynch I second that!

Nick Lamparelli: Ryan Deeds, Garrett White, Howard Candage what does you ideal agency look like in 2015?

Derek Lynch: <!channel> thanks for having me. This was fun.

Howard Candage: Nick Lamparelli Hey… I am working on this idealistic organization in 2025….now you want one from 2015 :face_with_rolling_eyes:. Hope you meant 2025!!! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Nick Lamparelli Garrett White Derek Lynch Ryan Deeds

Nick Lamparelli: Yes, 2025. I that the 2015 agency norse has left the bard

Howard Candage: :smirk::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Garrett White: Well, 2025….I foresee some vr and agi helping clients interface when it is convenient for them… All transactions can be done from the newest mobile device and professional advice can be done via vr or video chat at anytime (much like the new md apps and services). The need for a brick and mortar office will be irrelevant and most employees can work anywhere.

Brett Fulmer: Hi guys, sorry for joining the <!channel> late. I have been around the industry as an outsider, and have found a really hard time getting a fair shake at a small brokerage, or an interview at a large one, and I have been licensed since 2014 with 10 years of sales experience. I think at the small scale you have paranoia, and people protecting the castle they built….. I can’t speak into the monolithic gargantuan brokerages, but my current day job has some fun culture to it that any brokerage can have too. Music, food on Fridays and casual dress go a long way. It’s not rocket science to make people feel comfortable, and a sharp website, good social media and cool office is going to make any 20-55 year old customer comfortable….. In the future I think the broker or agent is going to be more like what we think of a marketing rep as of today. It’ll be more about getting product knowledge out, limits, advantages of certain companies over others, and a lot less about the blocking and tackling of docs. There are start-ups making every form of documentation gathering easier today, 3-5 years from now via blockchain, automated renewed contracts, etc., that side of the business will be a cinch.

Nick Lamparelli: Better late than never Brett Fulmer – what we are learning with the SlackChat is there is no issue with conversation topics. Going forward we’ll have to make the topics tighter so we can focus more because you all have provided a wealth of info and I would have liked to dug into these more. Garrett White brings up VR and that’s probably an entire topic itself!@

Derek Lynch: AR desk adjusting is a thing now. Customers use app and desk adjuster can tell them where to point and draw, overlay etc. On the video feed. Not a big on the AR element, but it is a first step. Anyone know any cool current VR uses right now other than training?

Derek Lynch: Nick Lamparelli invite me back any time in the future.

Garrett White: Derek Lynch We are in the early stages of developing a “VR” statement of values for our associations that we insure, in terms of our marketplace probably pretty light, but real estate has a ton of VR going on.

Nick Lamparelli: <!channel> thank you for an informative SlackChat. I am going to close it for now but I see that we have a bunch of new topics we will need to discuss on The Attachment Point in the future. Thank you all!

Howard Candage: Brett Fulmer I am glad you shared your perspective and I agree. We need to create career paths but that is the last thing some principals want to do. I will look forward to further discussions with you!

Brett Fulmer: Howard Candage, thank you Sir., and thanks Nick Lamparelli for putting this conversation tougher. It was a great experience.


Post SlackChat, Howard Candage Candage shared some notes on his version of the ideal agency of 2025


  • Highly automated with a real-time, easily accessible CRM system to manage current clients, prospects and sales management.  This system will facilitate ease of doing business for the entire service and sales process.


  • We will develop an agency specific mission and plan that energizes the entire agency from the CEO to the mail room and the janitor.  Everyone will be mission oriented support that mission. The agency will be focused on client needs, and effective distribution of risk bearing products.


  • The agency will perceive itself as a sales (distribution) organization that supports the products it sells with excellent, state of the art service.   The agency will use keyboard entry, voice recording and other means for file documentation. The producers will have a structured, checklist orientated risk analysis system with weekly meetings designed as round tables between experienced producers and newer sales people to review. risk management of current and new clients.   These meetings will be designed to promote teamwork, retention and new sales.


  • Goals and expectations will be clearly delineated and compensation of all employees will be tied to actual performance.  These goals and programs will support team efforts and limit inter employee conflicts. Insurance documents will be organized for ease of access and shall be packaged in high quality binder material for improved client impression.  On renewal there will be standards for client contact to establish continuity in communication with clients and with prospects. Accounts and will treated with dignity and respect at all times.


  • The agency will have standards and procedures for Post trigger event service to support and enhance the claim process.  One space in the agency will be devoted solely for insurance company employees to use. This space will have sufficient software and communication to support underwriters, claims service providers and loss control efforts.  There will be a clean cafeteria space where coffee will be provided for employees and company personnel. These spaces will encourage company personnel to visit the agency, promote teamwork with companies, enhance relationships between company and agency personnel.


  • The agency will manage a Coffee First Responder Vehicle with agency placards to travel to community fires and disasters.  This vehicle will also attend local events to enhance agency visibility. Plan will be drafted and in place to staff vehicle on call outs and to stock it rapidly with food, sandwiches for police, fire and first responders.   This will be the result of a project funded with donations, insurers and the community.


  • Vision alignment will be paramount as the entire organization is focused on exceeding customer expectations.  Management and owners will be accessible to employees and customers. When less experienced employees need help each shall be assigned a mentor and everyone in the management will be clearly accessible to mentor and lead the teams.


  • Beat Caterpillar! An action statement should be crafted as a call to arms such as the one used by Komatsu to rise mightily into the US equipment business.  They attained this position with the action statement “beat Caterpillar”. An agency can craft such a statement as a team motivator.


  • Empowerment strategy, entitlement controls.  Employees will be empowered to satisfy clients. Employees will create workflows to facilitate maximum customer satisfaction.  Trends will be observed and tracked to understand and exceed expectations.


  • Trust will be developed throughout the organization.  The mission should exhibit strict values that can be demonstrated and adhered to by the leadership of the agency.  These values should be displayed prominently for employees and clients.


  • No retribution policy.  Feedback from customers will be sought, responded to and acted upon without retribution against employees or others.  


  • We need to lose the entitlement mentality of employees and owners. We all think we are better than the average bear.  That we always deserved more, whether we really deserve it, or not. Compensation is geared to performance and consistency.  The “hourly pay” mentality will be replaced with reasonable relationship to the outcomes for The employees and the owners.


  • Drones and satellites are used for risk inspection and valuation.  Policies are written with flex limits on real property to allow for appraisal inaccuracy.  Catastrophe cover is in place for real property through reinsurers to allow excess over limits for catastrophes or conflagrations.


  • Highly automated with a real-time, easily accessible CRM system to manage current clients, prospects and sales management.  This system will facilitate ease of doing business for the entire service and sales process.


  • Secure data, one touch encryption, one username and password giving access to all agency automation and all regularly used web sites.  Automation will be designed to support effective, efficient ease of entry to assist employees and satisfy customers.


About Carly Burnham

Carly Burnham began her insurance career in 2004 as an office assistant at an agency in her hometown of Duluth, MN. She got licensed as a producer while working at that agency and progressed to serve as an office manager. Working in the agency is how she fell in love with the industry. She saw firsthand the good that insurance consumers experienced by having the proper protection. When Carly moved to Des Moines in 2010, she decided to commit to the industry, and she completed her CPCU in one year finishing it in 2012 and attending commencement in New Orleans. She completed her MBA at Iowa State University in 2014. During this time, she and Tony founded a Gen Y Associate Resource Group at Nationwide in Des Moines. After they had both left Nationwide, Tony recruited Carly to co-author and manage InsNerds.com. She has the difficult task of keeping his constant flow of crazy ideas focused and helping to flesh them out into useful articles. Carly enjoys sharing knowledge and ideas about the future of the industry and finds the website a good outlet for this passion. Carly is involved in the the CPCU Society Underwriting Interest Group. She also writes "Next Wave" a monthly column in the "Perspectives" section of Best's Review.

+ posts

Carly Burnham began her insurance career in 2004 as an office assistant at an agency in her hometown of Duluth, MN. She got licensed as a producer while working at that agency and progressed to serve as an office manager. Working in the agency is how she fell in love with the industry. She saw firsthand the good that insurance consumers experienced by having the proper protection.

When Carly moved to Des Moines in 2010, she decided to commit to the industry, and she completed her CPCU in one year finishing it in 2012 and attending commencement in New Orleans. She completed her MBA at Iowa State University in 2014. During this time, she and Tony founded a Gen Y Associate Resource Group at Nationwide in Des Moines.

After they had both left Nationwide, Tony recruited Carly to co-author and manage InsNerds.com. She has the difficult task of keeping his constant flow of crazy ideas focused and helping to flesh them out into useful articles. Carly enjoys sharing knowledge and ideas about the future of the industry and finds the website a good outlet for this passion.

Carly is involved in the the CPCU Society Underwriting Interest Group. She also writes "Next Wave" a monthly column in the "Perspectives" section of Best's Review.

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The Attachment Point – SlackChat#12: A Discussion on Mary Meeker’s 2018 Internet Trends Report by Nicholas Lamparelli Welcome to The Attachment...

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The Attachment Point – SlackChat#13: What Are The Best Insurance Themed Movies Of All Time?

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The Attachment Point – SlackChat#13: What Are The Best Insurance Themed Movies Of All Time?

The Attachment Point – SlackChat#13: What Are The Best Insurance Themed Movies Of All Time? by Nicholas Lamparelli Welcome to The Attachment...

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