3 min read

The 3 Key Factors That Influence Every Buying Decision

The 3 Key Factors That Influence Every Buying Decision

This guest article first appeared here: https://www.tylerjjensen.com/blog

Why Your Prospects Aren’t Buying From You

The answer to this question is simple. It comes down to three main items that your clients aren’t fully understanding or feeling comfortable with in order to make a buying decision.
When people make buying decisions, the fundamental reason we purchase something is to improve our relative condition. We have to see ourselves as becoming better off after exchanging money with you, so the perception of value has to be very clear. Clients have to feel better off by making that purchase.
The Three Main Objections: Why Clients Say They're "NOT" Buying

When a client raises an objection, it often boils down to one of three main reasons:

  1. They don’t understand the Need.

  2. They lack Optimism about the future with your product.

  3. They don’t fully Trust you, your process, or your product. 

If clients aren’t confident in any of these three areas, they won’t buy. Your job is to increase their level of certainty in each of these factors to help them recognize that this decision will improve their situation.

1. They Don’t Understand the Need

The first reason why a client is not buying from you is that they don’t fully understand the need. If they cannot perceive the need for the product, they will not make the decision. You need to increase their certainty that they need the product. 

Will it put them in a better situation? You have to help them understand the need. This comes back to education and ensuring they understand how your product will fulfill a need they have.

 2. They Lack Optimism About the Future

The next thing you have to increase their certainty on is their optimism. Optimism comes from the Latin word for "best." Is your product the best outcome for their future? Is it the best solution to their problem? Is it going to put them in the best situation going forward? Will it improve their condition in the best possible way? Are you the best person they want to do business with?

Optimism is their level of certainty that this is the best thing for them. If they don’t perceive their future as being better off from this purchase, they won’t be optimistic, and you won’t close the deal. They need to be optimistic about your product and doing business with you.

3. They Don’t Fully Trust You

The third item is trust. They may not be making a buying decision because they don’t fully trust you. They don’t trust your process, the system you’re using, or the product you’re offering. They may also not trust the company you represent. If they’re uncertain about any of these trust factors, they won’t buy. People buy from people they like and trust. If that trust factor is low, they won’t make a buying decision.

People need to have a certain level of certainty in their mind in all three of these categories in order to make a purchase. I know we can probably list thousands of objections we’ve heard: “I need to talk to my wife,” “I need to think this over,” or “I need to look at my finances.” All of these objections are just smokescreens. In reality, they’re not certain in one of these three areas. Your next step is to increase their level of certainty in these three areas.

A Real-Life Example:
The last big purchase my wife and I made was when we took one of our kids to the hospital. This is a prime example of value over money. We realized we needed to take our son to the hospital—that need was there. We were optimistic that by taking him there, it would lead to the best outcome for his future, and we trusted the doctors to take care of him. The hospital had built that trust, and we were confident it was the best decision.

Even though our deductible required us to pay thousands of dollars, the need and the value outweighed the cost. So, there’s no concept of money when the value is clear. Money is just a myth in these situations. People make decisions to buy when they perceive the value and believe it will improve their condition in relation to these three items.

 So, the next time your clients aren’t buying from you, ask yourself: are they struggling to understand the need? Do they believe what I’m offering is the best thing for them? Do they fully trust me, my product, or the company I represent? If you can increase their certainty in these three areas, they will make the decision to buy.
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