1 min read

The One With Rob Galbraith *and wine*

The One With Rob Galbraith *and wine*

The One With Rob Galbraith *and wine*

This week we’re talking about The End of Insurance, the future of innovation, and why Israel is leading the InsurTech pack.

It’s my turn to fangirl over Rob as The End of Insurance launch party comes to Minnesota! We were also thrilled to welcome panelists Kobi Bendelak, CEO of InsurTech Israel, and Robin Roberson – the founder behind InsurTech success stories WeGoLook and Goose & Gander.

I also call out an InsurTech group and potentially start a feud with the West Coast.

Sorry not sorry.

Check out the book: https://endofinsurance.com/buy-the-book/
My Full Book Review: https://youtu.be/EfLRZN0Jj0s
The Boston Launch Party: https://youtu.be/L32zZX8dTzE

About Amber Wuollet

Amber is a people-focused creative type who is energized by challenge, fueled by coffee, and fascinated by the power of data and innovation to reshape the world. She spend her days surrounded by data scientists and product leaders who see opportunity in each problem and solutions to each question. She's the co-host of The Insurance Nerdery video blog by Insurance Nerds.

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Amber is a people-focused creative type who is energized by challenge, fueled by coffee, and fascinated by the power of data and innovation to reshape the world. She spend her days surrounded by data scientists and product leaders who see opportunity in each problem and solutions to each question. She's the co-host of The Insurance Nerdery video blog by Insurance Nerds.

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