1 min read

What can the U.S. learn from Europe?

What can the U.S. learn from Europe?

What can the U.S. learn from Europe?

What can the U.S. insurance industry learn from Europe’s COVID-19 response?

Digital Scouting’s Robin Kiera shares his perspective from Germany, gives the U.S. some advice, and almost convinces me to cancel my Netflix subscription.

(*almost* I still have an episode of Tiger King left..)

He also leaves me with my new favorite COVID quote: “If you look at when empires are born and built, it is mostly in times of crisis . . . You can get stronger out of this.”

About Amber Wuollet

Amber is a people-focused creative type who is energized by challenge, fueled by coffee, and fascinated by the power of data and innovation to reshape the world. She spend her days surrounded by data scientists and product leaders who see opportunity in each problem and solutions to each question. She's the co-host of The Insurance Nerdery video blog by Insurance Nerds.

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Amber is a people-focused creative type who is energized by challenge, fueled by coffee, and fascinated by the power of data and innovation to reshape the world. She spend her days surrounded by data scientists and product leaders who see opportunity in each problem and solutions to each question. She's the co-host of The Insurance Nerdery video blog by Insurance Nerds.

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