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InsurTech Connect 2019 – You have never seen an insurance conference like this, or ANY conference like this! Sept 23-25 in Las Vegas

InsurTech Connect 2019 – You have never seen an insurance conference like this, or ANY conference like this! Sept 23-25 in Las Vegas

InsurTech Connect 2019 – You have never seen an insurance conference like this, or ANY conference like this! Sept 23-25 in Las Vegas

It’s very hard to describe Insurtech Connect. Luckily, I was there in 2018 and can give you at least an idea of what it’s like. ITC is a very young conference, 2019 will be only its fourth edition. But in that short time, it has grown from sizable to monstrously large, and in this case, that’s a good thing. The 2018 edition attracted 6,000+ attendees including 500 CEOs. Co-founders, Jay Weintraub and Caribu Honig, have quickly turned ITC into THE conference to be at. ITC is the closest thing to a gigantic rock concert (Salt n Peppa performed the closing ceremony in 2018, I missed it) dedicated to insurance and insurtech. The production values are insanely high, the speaker’s list is beyond star studded and you simply can’t avoid running into a lot of incredible people, from both Insurance and InsurTech. Because of calendar conflicts, I was only there for about 30 hours and in that time I managed to track down, and get selfies with some of the insurtech leaders I respect the most:

When I first showed up I was impressed just by the MGM Lion. I mean, dude is cool. Also, I had no clue all the awesome people I would run into.
Registration was already packed even though the conference started the next morning.
“Hey are you Abel Travis?” Yes, yes he is. He runs the Insurance Innovators Podcast and had just started as Director of Innovation at Accident Fund in Michigan. Since then he’s been promoted to VP of Underwriting and now Rob Galbraith is Director of Innovation.
Chris Cheatham of RiskGenius. Right here it hit me, holy crap, I was not fully aware some of these people were human until today. I kind of assumed they were bots in charge of creating awesome content.
THE Ryan Hanley, BTW this is not a bad camera angle, he’s at least 6 inches taller than me.
Amber Wuollet who ran in incredible insurance video blog and a few months later would officially join Insurance Nerds to run The Nerdery. Billy Welch, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Real Time Risk Solutions.
Deidre Wright, Director of the Business Insurance Diversity & Inclusion Institute.
This one took some work! I had searched all over the conference for almost 24 hours and had almost come to the conclusion that he must have been doing private events and not actually spending any time in the conference area. Then I spotted him checking email at a restaurant incognito, wearing glasses to hide himself, but his trademark hair gave him away and when I asked him “Are you Matteo?” his Italian accent confirmed that he indeeed was. Matteo Carbone in the flesh and blood. Almost indisputably the world’s #1 insurtech influencer. I mean the guy has 10x my 15k LinkedIn connections. It’s incredible!
They were giving Oculus Rift demos in the conference area. I complained that it wasn’t roomscale (like my own setup at home) but still pretty cool.
Ted and Arlene Taveras of the Spot On Insurance Podcast. They make insurance regulation fun and interesting. I know, I’m equally confused how they pull that one off!
Caribou Honig, Co-Founder of InsurTech Connect, wearing his trademark fedora. He was NOT the first fedora wearing hat I asked “Are you Caribou” but he was the real one!
I am much more of an insurance nerd than an insurtech one, so for me meeting Inga Beale, the first female CEO of Lloyds, was the height of the event. Taking this photo of her with Margaret, one of my most treasured mentors and Managing Partner at The Jacobson Group, was a truly amazing moment for me.
Getting my own picture with Mrs. Inga Beale absolutely felt like standing next to living insurance history. I was speechless, and that almost never happens to me.
I had met Noelle Codispoti, CEO of Gamma Iota Sigma, once before, but this was the first time I met Marguerite Murer Tortorello former SVP of Public Affairs at PCU and basically the person that runs #InsuranceCareersMonth.

ITC is such a gigantic conference that obviously your ITC will be very different from my ITC. Your stalking, err I mean, networking skills may not be as advanced as mine (or as lucky) so I can’t guarantee who you’ll meet, but with 6k+ insurtech and insurance leaders there are literally no limits to who you might meet. Even if the production value wasn’t incredible, the venue wasn’t a blast, and it wasn’t packed with an incredible calendar of star speakers and panels, it would still be worth it!

Basically, if you can somehow pull off going to ITC, you most absolutely should. Burn some miles, beg your boss to let you do it without using vacation time, listen to a 90 minute time share presentation for a free hotel room, bunk up with your 6 closest friends in a single medium size room, or whatever else you need to do to pull it off, but you’ll never regret going to ITC. I know that’s my plan!

Click here to register for InsurTech Connect 2019 with a special 0 discount for Insurance Nerds readers.*

*Expires Sept 22.

About Antonio Canas

Tony started in insurance in 2009 and immediately became a designation addict and shortly thereafter a proud insurance nerd. He has worked in claims, underwriting, finance and sales management, at 4 carriers, 6 cities and 5 states. Tony is passionate about insurance, technology and especially helping the insurance industry figure out how to retain and engage the younger generation of insurance professionals. Tony is a co-founder of InsNerds.com and a passionate speaker.

+ posts

Tony started in insurance in 2009 and immediately became a designation addict and shortly thereafter a proud insurance nerd. He has worked in claims, underwriting, finance and sales management, at 4 carriers, 6 cities and 5 states. Tony is passionate about insurance, technology and especially helping the insurance industry figure out how to retain and engage the younger generation of insurance professionals. Tony is a co-founder of InsNerds.com and a passionate speaker.

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