En este episodio de Profiles in Risk En Español, Tony habla con Jonathan Rodriguez Brun, Founder y CEO en Covery Tech. Covery es una increible insurtech dedicada a: Una plataforma tecnológica para la venta y servicio de seguros on-demand y embedidos en otra actividad agregando valor sumandole seguros. También se puede armar con marca blanca con la marca del broker or la asegurado. Además ayudan a los brokers a digitalizar sus operaciones!
Todo esto con una increíble misión social de aumentar el acceso a los seguros, de manera moderna y pesonalizada para las necesidades de cada persona!
Jonathan Rodriguez Brun: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jrodrigue…
Covery: https://covery.tech/
In this episode of Profiles in Risk, Tony talks with Jonathan Rodriguez Brun, Founder and CEO at Covery Tech. Covery is an incredible insurtech dedicated to: A technological platform for the sale and service of on-demand and embedded insurance. It can white labeled with the brand of the broker or the insured. They also help brokers to digitize their operations!
About Nicholas Lamparelli
Nick Lamparelli is a 20+ year veteran of the insurance wars. He has a unique vantage point on the insurance industry. From selling home & auto insurance, helping companies with commercial insurance, to being an underwriter with an excess & surplus lines wholesaler to catastrophe modeling Nick has wide experience in the industry. Over past 10 years, Nick has been focused on the insurance analytics of natural catastrophes and big data. Nick serves as our Chief Evangelist.
Nick Lamparelli is a 20+ year veteran of the insurance wars. He has a unique vantage point on the insurance industry. From selling home & auto insurance, helping companies with commercial insurance, to being an underwriter with an excess & surplus lines wholesaler to catastrophe modeling Nick has wide experience in the industry. Over past 10 years, Nick has been focused on the insurance analytics of natural catastrophes and big data. Nick serves as our Chief Evangelist.