1 min read

It’s Insurance Conference Season!

It’s Insurance Conference Season!

It’s Insurance Conference Season!

I’m a pretty basic millennial so of course I love all things fall.

Sweater weather, pumpkin spice, insurance conferences… My favorite things!

In this episode of The Insurance Nerdery, I cover the fall line up of insurance conferences – including the two events that I’m obsessed with and one that I will definitely NOT be attending this year.

Let me know which conferences I missed and which events are on your list this year!

Insurance Nerds Day: https://insnerds.com/nerds-day/

About Amber Wuollet

Amber is a people-focused creative type who is energized by challenge, fueled by coffee, and fascinated by the power of data and innovation to reshape the world. She spend her days surrounded by data scientists and product leaders who see opportunity in each problem and solutions to each question. She's the co-host of The Insurance Nerdery video blog by Insurance Nerds.

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Amber is a people-focused creative type who is energized by challenge, fueled by coffee, and fascinated by the power of data and innovation to reshape the world. She spend her days surrounded by data scientists and product leaders who see opportunity in each problem and solutions to each question. She's the co-host of The Insurance Nerdery video blog by Insurance Nerds.

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