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Why I Love Insurance – Justin’s Story

Why I Love Insurance – Justin’s Story

Why I Love Insurance – Justin’s Story


President? Firefighter? Farmer? #Insurance Professional? Growing up, one of these certainly wasn’t a career I had pondered. You guessed it-Insurance Professional! The insurance industry and I crossed paths through happenstance.

I was in my very early twenties considering a job change as I’d recently learned I was becoming a father. I kept my eyes, ears, and mind open to new opportunities. Not long after, I was introduced to an underwriter at GEICO. My life changed soon after that.

I was hired into my first professional role at GEICO as an inside sales representative. It was my first introduction to corporate America, and I loved it. I quickly excelled and enjoyed (still do) the rush of making sales. As a hungry young salesman, I dreamed of more opportunity, and little did I know, the life changing value of insurance would impact me in a way that would let me explore that.


Fast forward seven years and ever increasing responsibility in insurance sales roles. We had just welcomed our newest child to the family when I learned that my mom had unexpectedly died. If you’ve ever experienced the loss of a parent,then you know how dark the days can be. In the darkness, a light appeared that would change the course of my life. Unknown to me, my mom had taken out a life insurance policy when I was born, naming my sister and me as beneficiaries. That act of thoughtfulness so many years ago is why I love insurance. It changes lives!


Let me explain. In this industry I’ve seen what the power of having or not having insurance can do. I’ve watched people go through bankruptcy and poverty because they chose not to carry any or enough insurance on their vehicle, home, or lives. It’s devastating. However, there is no greater feeling than hand delivering a check to a grieving spouse or child when their loved one has passed away .

Oftentimes, these people had no idea that the departed had a life insurance policy which named the receiver of the check as beneficiary. That check-which is the fulfillment of a promise to pay from an insurance company-allows them to continue living life at a standard they’re used to and not have to worry about where rent or a mortgage payment was going to come from. That’s powerful! That’s why I love insurance.

In my case, I was able to go back to college and finish my undergraduate degree and then realize a goal of mine: agency ownership. That’s where I truly became an insurance nerd and threw myself into industry self-development and sales leadership. I’m a strong believer in ‘always be learning’ and now hold my CPCU, LUTCF, and will have my MBA this August. That’s in addition to holding the AAI, AINS, AIS, and API industry designations. I average 60 books a year between the fields of insurance, finance, economics, and self-improvement. Why do I do this? It’s because I love insurance and what it has done for me. I learn and grow so I can help others become better insurance professionals to grow our industry. It’s about paying it forward.

About Justin Hardin

Justin is a passionate, results-driven leader with a progressive track record of top tier sales performance for Fortune 100 companies as both an entrepreneur and sales leader. Justin is currently at Liberty Mutual and before managed a Nationwide agency.

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Justin is a passionate, results-driven leader with a progressive track record of top tier sales performance for Fortune 100 companies as both an entrepreneur and sales leader. Justin is currently at Liberty Mutual and before managed a Nationwide agency.

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