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Generating More Leads does not have to be a Complex Endeavor

Generating More Leads does not have to be a Complex Endeavor

Generating More Leads does not have to be a Complex Endeavor

If you have a prospective client that you would like to get to know, coffee is a great neutral ground (pun).

Most people like coffee and if your client doesn’t like coffee that should be reason enough to move along.

So, how do you do it? How do you get millions of dollars in new business by simply buying someone an overpriced cup-of-Joe?

With our proven multi-step process you will improve your close ratio by fractions of a percent – and there’s more.

Step 1: To getting more coffee client appointments 

Keep it simple. Funny enough, early in my career I thought it was important to share my resume in a conversational email.

Using my background in criminal justice, I deduced that most people were indifferent to my impressive list of marginal accomplishments.

I further gathered that there was a direct relationship between the length of the email and the rejection rate of my requests.

Keep your request simple. If people are interested they will look you up on LinkedIn or ask around. You don’t need to tell them your life story or make an impassioned plea for why they should choose contestant number 3.

Step 2: For achieving higher success rates in client prospecting with coffee

Be specific. Rather than an open-ended invite to coffee at a place of their choosing at some future date, pick a place and a time.

It may seem intrusive to invite Jane Doe to the Bestest Java on Wednesday at 930 AM but I believe it is actually quite polite.

By providing a place and time you aren’t wasting their time searching the whole of their calendar and thinking through when would be best for them.

You also increase the probability that they actually check their calendar. “Is it even possible for me, Jane Doe, to meet at the Bestest Java on Wednesday at 930 AM?” It simplifies the process.

They can say yes.

They can say no.

Or they can say, “Actually Thursday at 830 AM would be better.”

Additional Tips: For guaranteed improvements to your client coffee outreach

I promised there would be more. Here it is.

Additional tips: 

1. Most people like to try new things.

If there is a new place use that as a reason to invite them.

2. Experiment with taste and location.

If your prospect has a specific coffee taste, using a specific place may allow them to suggest a different location. I have some people who like Fast food chain coffee and others who stick with the known names. There have been plenty of times when clients have said, “I’ve never been there.”

3. If they can’t find the time, offer to bring coffee to them and/or their team.

When you get your coffee meet up on the books, do as much research as you can to enable you to make an initial impression. Don’t overdo it but come prepared. It is polite, professional and effective to know some basics about your prospect.

4. Make it about them. 

If this is an initial invite you should plan to keep things primarily personal, get to know the person and work to earn their trust. Most people want to have a sense of whether they know, like and trust you before they will do business.

5. Ask questions and get them talking. 

This is both polite and Sales 101. It is ok to go to the whole meeting and not talk about yourself. Typically if you are genuinely interested there will come an opportunity where your guest will ask you, “So, what is it that you do?”

6. Be prepared to respond.

Practice makes perfect. Whether you are new to sales or meeting a client for the first time. Do some base level research as well as some role play in how you think the conversation might go. Be prepared to keep it light but never be caught off guard if the client is ready to dig into the business relationship. If you work through scenarios prior to the meeting you will be better prepared to seem confident rather than desperate when the time comes to discuss your products and/or services.

About Jon Isaacson

Jon Isaacson, The Intentional Restorer, is a freelance writer, business coach, speaker and 17 year veteran of the property restoration industry. His organization, TheDYOJO.com is the Do Your Job Dojo, which specializes in helping individuals, teams and organizations to Develop Intentionally. Recent resources include: The DYOJO Podcast (Spotify, iTunes, Google & Anchor) and a FREE E-book The 10 Commandments of Xactimate Estimating.

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Jon Isaacson, The Intentional Restorer, is a freelance writer, business coach, speaker and 17 year veteran of the property restoration industry. His organization, TheDYOJO.com is the Do Your Job Dojo, which specializes in helping individuals, teams and organizations to Develop Intentionally. Recent resources include: The DYOJO Podcast (Spotify, iTunes, Google & Anchor) and a FREE E-book The 10 Commandments of Xactimate Estimating.

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