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With MichelleVillarreal, CEO of 1-2-1 Claims .
Show Notes
In this episode of Profiles in Risk, Tony and Nick discuss claims administration with Michelle Villarreal, the owner of 1-2-1 Claims. Michelle discusses what it is that a 3rd party administrator does in the claims process, what it is like to be a woman in the insurance industry and the interesting story of how she once worked for her husband, but now he works for her! We also play a Texas version of Rank the Risk.
And we also get to learn who Banjo is:

About Antonio Canas
Tony started in insurance in 2009 and immediately became a designation addict and shortly thereafter a proud insurance nerd. He has worked in claims, underwriting, finance and sales management, at 4 carriers, 6 cities and 5 states. Tony is passionate about insurance, technology and especially helping the insurance industry figure out how to retain and engage the younger generation of insurance professionals. Tony is a co-founder of InsNerds.com and a passionate speaker.
Tony started in insurance in 2009 and immediately became a designation addict and shortly thereafter a proud insurance nerd. He has worked in claims, underwriting, finance and sales management, at 4 carriers, 6 cities and 5 states. Tony is passionate about insurance, technology and especially helping the insurance industry figure out how to retain and engage the younger generation of insurance professionals. Tony is a co-founder of InsNerds.com and a passionate speaker.