3 min read

What Exactly is a Nerdery?

What Exactly is a Nerdery?

What Exactly is a Nerdery?

So glad you asked!

The best way to describe it is to take our Delorean back to 1901 when Julia Davis Chandler published a little something about peanut butter and jelly.  Better yet, let’s dial the Flux Capacitor to 1927 when H.B. Reese balled up some peanut butter and dipped it into chocolate.


Oh wait, no…

Hold on…

The Nerdery is not a new peanut butter product.  Classic case of typing-while-hungry.

It’s about taking two existing things that are fantastic in their own right, mash them together, market it under the same brand, then sit back and watch as the hi-jinx ensues.

We’re proud to announce that Amber Wuollet and John Bachmann will be joining the InsNerds team to present The Insurance Nerdery, an Insurance Nerds Production.

On a weekly basis, Amber and John will be releasing video content on the new Insurance Nerdery YouTube channel that is sure to get the collective nerds talking.

So who are Amber and John?

For those of you not already familiar with their work, where have you been??

All kidding aside, we got to know the two of them quite a bit when both presented Nerdy Nanotalks during the inaugural Insurance Nerds Day.

Separately, they have been appearing on their own YouTube channels providing their audiences with commentary about all things insurance.  They speak passionately about the industry they love and work hard to make sure younger generations love it as well.

They bring unique perspectives on the industry based upon their experiences.  Amber tends to lean on the underwriting and tech side of things.  John focuses on claims and agency relationships.

Oh, don’t you worry, these two aren’t one trick ponies.

You might catch them talking to a crowd, attending an industry event, or even starring in their own country music video.  No seriously, that last one is absolutely true!

So if you want to see what’s in store for this new and exciting project

Head on over to The Insurance Nerdery channel and subscribe

Really want to be the nerdiest of nerds?  Click on the notification bell and be first in line when videos are released!

About John Bachmann

Helping People Help People - that's John's true passion. 
As a Claims Leader in the insurance industry, he was able to live that passion through mentoring and coaching licensed insurance adjusters so that they were prepared to help customers and claimants through their most difficult experiences. He has been fortunate enough to lead award-winning teams of insurance professionals as well has been able to lead and participate in cross-functional capacities focusing on the improvement of the Customer Experience.
 He is currently on a mission to help improve upon the relationships between Carriers, Agencies, and Clients so that the Customer wins. He has been referred to as an "Insurance Nerd", "Claims Guy", and "Customer Experience Fan Boy" - and when asked John says he would have to agree! John also co-hosts "The Insurance Nerdery, an Insurance Nerds Production" which provides commentary about the insurance industry.

+ posts

Helping People Help People - that's John's true passion.

As a Claims Leader in the insurance industry, he was able to live that passion through mentoring and coaching licensed insurance adjusters so that they were prepared to help customers and claimants through their most difficult experiences. He has been fortunate enough to lead award-winning teams of insurance professionals as well has been able to lead and participate in cross-functional capacities focusing on the improvement of the Customer Experience.

He is currently on a mission to help improve upon the relationships between Carriers, Agencies, and Clients so that the Customer wins.

He has been referred to as an "Insurance Nerd", "Claims Guy", and "Customer Experience Fan Boy" - and when asked John says he would have to agree!

John also co-hosts "The Insurance Nerdery, an Insurance Nerds Production" which provides commentary about the insurance industry.

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