2 min read

Profiles in Risk: E455 – The Wolf of Allstate; How Andrew Filar (CEO of Peachy Insurance) Build A Multi-Million Dollar Book of Business With Allstate in 3 Years

Profiles in Risk: E455 – The Wolf of Allstate; How Andrew Filar (CEO of Peachy Insurance) Build A Multi-Million Dollar Book of Business With Allstate in 3 Years

Profiles in Risk: E455 – The Wolf of Allstate; How Andrew Filar (CEO of Peachy Insurance) Build A Multi-Million Dollar Book of Business With Allstate in 3 Years

Unlike products which people willingly pay for and will wait in line for (Apple phone, concert tickets, Tesla), insurance products need a thorough sales and marketing dragging effort to get the customer to buy. Let’s face it, no one gets excited about buying insurance. This is why distribution might be the most critical function of the insurance ecosystem. At least as important as capital, at least as important as underwriting. Elite producers are a rare. There are few people and organizations that can sustain the intensity level required to build a perpetual sales funnel in insurance. Most quit. Most of those that don’t quit can have a nice lifestyle business, but few have the knack of sales, marketing and relationship[ building that is required that can make millions of dollars in revenue.

In this episode of Profiles in Risk, Tony chats with Andrew Filar, Co-Founder at Next Call Club and CEO at Peachy Insurance. While Tony spent 10 years talking about how the captive agent model was dying, Andrew quietly proved him wrong, and blew his mind. In 9 years Andrew went from brand new out of college to CEO of the largest Allstate agent in the country, to creating his own agency, growing it from scratch to $5M in 3 years, and creating his own consulting firms to help other exclusive agencies do the same. WHAT?!?!?! Better yet, Andrew is not the Leo DiCaprio character Wolf of Wall Street, Andrew does it the old fashioned way, with integrity and trust.


Andrew Filar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewfilar/

Next Call Club: https://nextcallclub.com/

About Nicholas Lamparelli

Nick Lamparelli is a 20+ year veteran of the insurance wars. He has a unique vantage point on the insurance industry. From selling home & auto insurance, helping companies with commercial insurance, to being an underwriter with an excess & surplus lines wholesaler to catastrophe modeling Nick has wide experience in the industry. Over past 10 years, Nick has been focused on the insurance analytics of natural catastrophes and big data. Nick serves as our Chief Evangelist.

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Nick Lamparelli is a 20+ year veteran of the insurance wars. He has a unique vantage point on the insurance industry. From selling home & auto insurance, helping companies with commercial insurance, to being an underwriter with an excess & surplus lines wholesaler to catastrophe modeling Nick has wide experience in the industry. Over past 10 years, Nick has been focused on the insurance analytics of natural catastrophes and big data. Nick serves as our Chief Evangelist.

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