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Finding Your Voice in the Insurance Industry

Finding Your Voice in the Insurance Industry

Finding Your Voice in the Insurance Industry

During my college years, I was part of my university’s Concert Choir. While the University Choir was open to anyone who wanted to participate, the Concert Choir was different. There were several rounds of auditions required, and even if you were selected to perform with the Concert Choir, for special performances, there was an additional round of auditions. To say that the selection process was particular is an understatement.

I’m not sure what led me to want to be a part of this select group. I had never done any structured, formal vocal performance prior to this experience. Just the typical singalong in the car, or belting out a song from the shower. But, never in public and definitely nothing on a professional level. To make things more interesting, I had no idea what my voice type was. So, I jumped right into the soprano auditions!

It didn’t take long for me to discover the difference between my “vocal range”, which are the sounds that your body is capable of making, and my “tessitura”, which is the part of the range which is the most comfortable to sing. What I quickly experienced was that singing is very similar to driving a car along the highway. If you start to steer out of your lane, you will encounter some friction, almost like those ridges at the edge of the road. Your voice may crack, fade, or it can actually hurt! However, once you learn how to handle the vehicle, or in this case, your vocal cords, you can maximize your potential for success, and a smoother, more enjoyable experience.

What does any of this have to do with insurance? I’m glad you stuck around this long to ask. It’s all about finding your voice! Navigating your career inside of the insurance industry requires some skill, discipline, and discernment. Finding that internal pitchfork, that you can measure your progress against, is absolutely necessary in order to stay in tune with your maximum potential.

Where you begin your career allows you to mark the starting point of your journey. As you progress, you will become more efficient at discovering when you are not in the proper lane, because the resistance will kick in. Very much like when you start to sing off-key, or your pitch begins to go flat. You will feel it, and discover that it may be time to change gears. As with any form of self-awareness, you will start to answer questions about where you feel you are most effective. Does working in an office setting bore you? Do you prefer to work in the field, or on assignment? Maybe Catastrophe Claims is where you will find a home. Is solving complicated problems an activity that excites you? A position as a Business Analyst may be your cup of tea.

The amazing part of this journey is that with each opportunity, you will have a chance to test your theory and find out more about who you are. Perhaps you will be able to change your priorities or challenge yourself to grow in an area that you avoided in the past. There are so many facets to the Insurance Industry, and finding your place, and your voice, is both satisfying and rewarding.

So, let’s get out here and make beautiful music together!

About Precious Norman-Walton

Driven by a passion to help businesses and organizations succeed and prepare, I have served as an insurance professional for the past fifteen years. Starting off as a Sales and Marketing specialist in the agency environment, I fully understand what is involved with having the difficult conversations and making the appropriate recommendations. I have also experienced the tremendous gratification that comes with delivering the promise as a Claims Professional. My formal training as a Commercial Lines Underwriter has provided me with the industry acumen necessary to negotiate and place coverage for my clients, and lead a team of Commercial Insurance Advisors here in the Dallas/Ft Worth Metro area.

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Driven by a passion to help businesses and organizations succeed and prepare, I have served as an insurance professional for the past fifteen years. Starting off as a Sales and Marketing specialist in the agency environment, I fully understand what is involved with having the difficult conversations and making the appropriate recommendations. I have also experienced the tremendous gratification that comes with delivering the promise as a Claims Professional. My formal training as a Commercial Lines Underwriter has provided me with the industry acumen necessary to negotiate and place coverage for my clients, and lead a team of Commercial Insurance Advisors here in the Dallas/Ft Worth Metro area.

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